FANTASTIC FRIDAY FACTS: ‘Clarifying the P-Factor of Blogging’

Since it’s Friday I decided to create a new segment which is FANTASTIC FRIDAY FACTS simply because I

imagesCA8FDR7QI’ll began with some Fascinating Facts about BLOGGING because I’d much rather talk about that than today being Friday 13th and all of the weird stuff that happened to me on this day.

                                                            Shocked Icon(I’ll save that for another post called WOW!

Weird, Out-of-this, World Stuff you wouldn’t believe that happens at the end of the Week)!

But for now I’ll stick with providing you with something positive since this is Fantastic Friday!

Here goes:

There have been times since starting this endeavor that people have questioned me about BLOGGING.

You know….

What is blogging?    How do you get started?    Is it a REAL job?     How much do people make?

For the most part they’re not really interested in a valid answer because their eyes start to glaze over the minute I began giving them a rational explanation.   But, every now and then a person comes along who is GENUINELY interested in obtaining a REAL answer to these questions.

I recently met such a person and our conversation inspired me to deviate from the original material that I had scheduled to post today in favor of creating an easy to comprehend segment of  information that clarifies this for anyone else who might ACTUALLY be interested in these facts.  I decided to title this feature:

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‘CLARIFYING THE P-FACTORS OF BLOGGING’  

I’ll start by listing the P-Factors and finish by clarifying (explaining) how the pieces fit together in the creation of a BLOG.

PASSION                        PURPOSE                              POSTS                                  PROMOTE

PEOPLE                         PERFORMANCE                    PHOTOS                                PUBLISH

POTENTIAL                   PRODUCTION                        PRINT                                 PROSPER

For the sake of making this post easy to digest I’ve broken it down into four sections that will each be posted in the FANTASTIC FRIDAY segment for the next several weeks.  Here’s Section I: Passion, People & Potential

a positive attitudePASSION, is the first piece of the puzzle because it is what motivates you to write even on the days when other people agendas are set to sabotage your mission. Without passion for what you it’s very easy to give up when things don’t easily fall into place the way you may have expected.   Long before I started writing with the hope of receiving any money for my efforts, acknowledgement of my abilities, or any credit what-so-ever for time I invested in learning my craft it was Passion that was the fuel driving me to keep moving forward regardless of what others might say or think.

Tired TuesdayPEOPLE, that’s right will have a HUGE impact on how well you do.

So who are these people, you ask?Confused Icon

An odd man in the bunchF-Factor Folks (Family, Friends, and Folks who seem to always offer unsolicited advice about what they think about you) I call them F-Factor Folks because these are the ones you may sometime have to use an F-bomb word to get them to leave you along. They may be the ones who are the First to Complain about what you’re doing yet the last to offer any Financial or Friendly support to help you out unless of course it will benefit them in the long run. Last but not least F-Factor Folks will be there in droves when you become FAMOUS (or FABULOUSLY WEALTHY) offering their two cents on how much they admired your efforts (even when they were ones secretly fanning the flames to your FAILURE).  You may have one in a Million who is GENUINELY supportive of your endeavor while the others find what you do an anomaly (something that just seems strange, unusual, or abnormal).

Seal of Approval Icon A-Factor Folks (Advisors, Associates, Assistants, Advocates [people who honor your abilities]). Leader of the groupThese are people who assist you in your efforts to fulfill your life’s assignment without attempting to acquire your products, skills or services for little or nothing simply because of your personal connection. They’re also people who may become your lifelines or cheerleaders in keeping you on track to achieving your goals (without considering how what you do is going to benefit them in the end).

Negatives IconN-Factor People (Negative Ninnies or Needy People Seeking to acquire your services for Nothing).

I’m not going into much detail about these people because Not much clarification is needed. Everyone has experienced someone like this in your life. You know the well-meaning folks who never have anything but negative advice, unflattering remarks, or they always under-value your talents until it benefits them.  Yet, in the midst of a crowd they’re usually the ones making the most effort to appear as your biggest FAN.

Now it should be apparent to you how each of these People fit into the classification of a F-A-N…(someone who Truly supports you or a person whose only support is provided when it looks good to others).  This of course depends on how YOU allow either of these people to impact your life. Remember that what you do isn’t based on what other people may think It usually is determined by how you see YOURSELF.

Envision the possiblitiesPOTENTIAL is derived from the possibly of HOPE in something better.  Everything a person does is usually based on the belief they have in being able to succeed through the use of their skills, talents, resources, alliances, or determination to do something different simply because they can.

Potential, is planting tiny seeds of FAITH into the barren soil, nurturing your Gifts, cultivating your Talents, and using Innovative ways to prune the weeds and parasites in order to one day produce something A hint of sunshineMagnificent.

Passion is the fuel that keeps you motivated to do what you do.

Displeased IconPeople are the supplication that will either help or hinder your efforts (Make your haters your motivation to succeed)…Stop wasting your time seeking the approval of people see you only in a negative light.  Align yourself with people who admire YOU for who you are or those who aspire to do what you do.

The internet is filled with groups of people who serve as a community  helping you make the right connections that may educate, encourage, or empower you to achieve your goals.   Using social media or email marketing is the best way to find them (or for them to find you).  Connecting with the right person pic 1

Who knows,  your tribeTee Pee Image may not only become your biggest supporter but also may serve as coaches, clients, customers, or collaborators on some of your projects.

Potential is combining your resources to turn your dreams into a reality based solely on your creativity, ingenuity, and determination making the fruits of your labor even  sweeter than you ever imagined.Lemons to Lemonade

That completes the first section of my Fantastic Friday Posts…..Check back next week for the next segment that will cover three more P-Factor Components of BLOGGING.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????