Tired TuesdayYou can spend all of your life waiting for the right time, conditions, or people to advise you on how to life your life according to their opinions.  Or you can decide to finally take  control of how you live life on your own terms.

It takes courage to go against the grain to pursue your passions rather than floating through life in a daze.  Some people are okay with just getting by living a mediocre existence doing the same things, hanging out with same old familiar faces, and not rocking the boat in fear of appearing abnormal (to all of those well-meaning folks whose bad advice is freely given–but their support may cost you something valuable).

Life isn’t about what happens to you…it’s what you make HAPPEN for YOU by challenging yourself to Live Outside of the Boundaries so you become the one who stands out in a crown rather than disappear into the pack.

Here’s how you can step up to the plate and knock it out of the park…..bunting the ball pic 1

~Be Bold           ~Be Brave     ~Be Memorable    ~Be Creative   

~Be Enterprising     ~Be Unique      ~Be Better     ~Be Exceptional

Whatever you do ~Be HappyBusy Bee Icon