Getting to 100

Don't give upI want to make this perfectly clear that putting in the effort to create content daily was NO easy FEAT.  It isn’t something that happened overnight or within a matter of a couple of weeks.  I hope this posts helps to clarify things so YOU’RE not CLUELESS as to the level of COMMITMENT it takes to CONSTRUCT BLOGS.

Here are a few DO’S and DON’T that transpired before my HITTING 100:

To Do List GraphicDO:

*READ tons of BOOKS, Watch (Informational) VIDEOS, and research sites of BLOGGERS and WEB DESIGNERS to gain CLARITY into how to EFFECTIVELY CREATE QUALITY CONTENT.

*LEARN from each EXPERIENCE so it serves as an REFERENCE of what to do or NOT do the NEXT time.

*UTILIZE Social Media Sites and Online Forums to PROMOTE Content, NETWORK  with Colleagues, and CREATE EXTRAORDINARY things.  


Bettering YourselfMAKE EXCUSES for NOT WRITING.


SLAP together anything just for the sake of POSTING something on your site.

You’ll know BLOGGING is your thing because even on the days when you could be doing something…(anything) else the desire to blog will be that thing you have to DO simply because it’s what you LOVE.blogging is my passion


So It Begins

                                Seems like it was just yesterday, we were welcoming another

NEW YEAR Happy New Year Bannerwith the anticipation of time to finally get things done.

All of a sudden the days turn into weeks, then months and the time starts to fly by from yesterday to tomorrowbefore you realize it three months

(or the first quarter in business terms) is gone BUT there’s tons of stuff on your To Do List image 2

‘To Do List’

  still needing to get done.

So it begins, the moment when YOU put all of your FOCUS and ENERGY into making certain that you’re able to roll into the next 3 months (The second quarter) finally able to see some of the seeds mustard seedsyou’ve planted and

continue to sow gardening-icons-retro-style-46798736with your ‘Blood, Sweat, Tears, Fears and Creativity’(which of course is the title of a future post)

began to bloom.ladybug image 3

Being in Bloom


I’ve been sick for several days and trust me when I say that it makes BLOGGING a difficult task because the only thing I want to do is rest.  But I made a commitment to issue a post-a-day both in good times and bad.  That’s what inspired

THE NIGHT (1)the title of this post:


I’ve deviated from the content that I originally had scheduled to release because I don’t have the energy to put a lot effort into the creation of an extensive BLOG.   Well, that’s it for now because I’ve run out of steam I may be Down But I’m Not Out.  Hopefully, by next week this illness will have run its course and I’ll be able to create some


Later, Peeps….Sick and TiredIt’s bedtime for me because rest is the best medicine.

Choosing Topics

Deciding what is includedOne of the hardest things to figure out when it comes to blogging is choosing topics to write about so that you are able to consistently keep your content fresh.  While some writers use a production calendar (which does come in pretty handy in helping you to work more efficiently), that’s not what I always use because I prefer the freedom of spontaneity in composing content based on my thoughts, intuition, things I’ve seen on particular day, and other factors that motivate me when my fingers are touching the keys.  Working solely from a production calendar takes away some of the passion I get from molding my words into a finished masterpiece when I’m doing it all from scratch verse some preconceived recipe.

Now, I’m not here to tell you to deviate from whatever method works best for you (be it a weekly or monthly project planner that keeps you on track) or if you’re one of those type of people who simply works better flying by the seat of their pants (pushing yourself to get thing done just in the nick of time).  I happen to be a mix of both of these creative types; (I like order because it provides a sense of structure–which helps me maximize my time) but I’m also the girl who like now is pulling together (this Blog) right out of thin air to beat my (11:55 p.m.) publishing deadline in order to create a post a day as my goal for February, 2015….(so this leave me less than 25 minutes to finish this project including selecting the images I want to use.  Lucky for me I’m able to think quick and type fast.


But here’s my point, I choose content based on whatever method works for me at that particular time and I recommend you do the same.  The best authority on how you write comes from you and not all the so-called experts that are telling you what works for them.  Maybe if you learn to listen to that inner voice that is whispering in your ear instead of trying to become a carbon copy of what other people consider a SUCCESS then you’ll be able to do whatever you set your mind to doing because you crafted your own script rather than playing follow the leader.

That my dear fellow is how I created this post out of thin air, with just my thoughts, ability to type fast, and keen eye for seeing beauty in even the most ordinary things (like suddenly seeing a ladybug landing on a sunflower).

Ladybug Image 1

You know what I mean, how you’re able to see the stuff that most people take for granted as a small miracle reminding you that everything has a purpose for being alive it’s just a matter of knowing what it is you were born to do, then doing it (like the ladybug is merely doing what she was created to do without following a script to get it done).

Wow, now that’s a wrap…at 11:31 p.m.(which gives me a few minutes to add the graphics and hit publish).

I hope this serves as proof that it doesn’t take rocket science to create a blog…just the motivation to get it done and not spend your time fretting over how to choose your content.

(I’m about to hit publish at exactly 11:52 p.m…..Whew!  I knew I could do it and so can YOU if you don’t let the details derail your creativity.

The Value of Conceptual Planning

  How does a person decide what to write about with all the topics circulating on the INTERNET?

Clouds Image 3

How do you pick something out of the Clear Blue Sky to write about that will be interesting to your reader?

The answer is simple:  Write about what you know.  Or you can create content on subject matter that you’re interested in learning more about in order to share your knowledge with others.

The biggest mistake is when people assume that writing requires them to do a lot of research or add unnecessary data that the reader probably isn’t interested in that is used as a filler to meet a  specific word quota.

female with a construction bluepringThe smartest thing to do is to create a conceptual plan as a outline in order stay on track so that you’re able to consistently create content that is FRESH and INTERESTING to your target audience.

For instance if you like Nature and have a passion for crafting You here is an illustration of a Conceptual Plan that can be used to combine both topics into various blogs. Clouds and Rainbows

NATURE                                                                              CRAFTS

Cloud Watching                                                       The beauty of Clouds (Painting)

Sunshine & Rainbows                                             Rainbow Pinwheels                                   

Types of Trees                                                        Twigs, Berries, Acorns, & Shells

Here is an illustration of a conceptual plan combining these two categories constructed into blogs:

The posts could combine the two categories along with a few graphics to enhance the quality of your blog.Cloud Art image 2

Use of a brainstorming mind map can be helpful in recycling content into a variety of forms; text, audio (podcasts) to videos.

1.  Cloud Watching:  a. Into the Clear Blue Sky    b. Clouds & Sunbeams     c. Cloud Art

2.  Trees:  How to use twigs, berries, shells and acorns to create art.

3.  Children’s Nature Art Projects using Twigs, Shells, and Berries.

Construct Icon holding blueprintsUsing a conceptual plan is one of the best tools that can be utilized as a blueprint to maximize your blog content along with serving as Writing Inspiration while your ideas are…

Projects Under Construction





Today is…..

White-Fluffly-Clouds-In-A-Blue-Sky - CopyToday is the 7th day of the month (January) in a brand New Year.  Today is the day where all your dreams are wrapped around the possibilities that will overflow from cultivating your gifts.  Most of all, Today is a time filled with the anticipation of CHANGE that is rising just over the horizon.

Whenever I create another blog post, draft content for a website or presentation, or select the graphics that illustrate the words I scribe I feel energized from what the new day brings.imagesCAA8UWG0

This is why TODAY is so valuable because it opens unto the window that leads to Tomorrow.  Without Today, the potential of tomorrow cannot rise forth out of the dark, then the light of imagination will dwindle.

You may not have a clue what Today may bring, but take heart even in the midst of your despair there is a sparkle of light that exists on the wings of HOPE.attitude determines altitude

Faith exists in the hope of things to come when each new day arrives bringing the promise of change.

Composing Your Story?

Tell ME,


What is it that YOU do?

What makes YOU someone worth knowing about to others?

How do YOU establish yourself as a brand?

Everybody has a story, yet most people are inapt at effectively sharing their information without sounding boastful or boring.  Others don’t know how to promote themselves as a brand in order to market their products or services to the people who are interested in what they have to offer.


Telling your story starts with providing interesting details that are intriguing to your audience without appearing arrogant.

The details of what you do should be showcased by how effectively you communicate your interest or expertise.  Once people know how capable and reliable you are in the services you provide, they’re usually willing to utilize your talents and share that information with others which in turn helps to promote your BRAND.

Now that you know the answers to these questions here’s another one for you:

Where can you turn to create your online presence? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You can spend tons of your valuable time struggling to learn all the of elements of web design??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and how to promote your product.



OR you can decide to seek the services of someone who LOVES what they do AND they’re able to provide you with EXCEPTIONAL Metal Content Keys .



 Quality Content/Optimum Results


Can help YOU blog-your-story-word-concept-social-media-phrase-note-paper-45425334make an IMPACT and gain visibility.  It’s what I do using superior quality content that is customized for each client to ensure YOU receive a ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????or

  web design pie chart - Copy

that gives you a


Contact me to give your story the Happy Ending that  it deserves so you can spend your time doing what you do best,

Freelance Entrepreneur image 1being PHENOMENAL!